
Writers Anonymous was established in 2005. After local authority funding was withdrawn for its adult education creative writing courses, eight students, Mark Allen, Paul Bunn, the late Colin Butler, Nicolette Coleman, Trish Gibbs, the late Jessie Hobson, the late David Shaer, and Simon Woodward, got together to continue their addiction to creative writing, and Writers Anonymous (WA) was born.

However, unlike the stories drafted, rewritten, and redrafted, during lessons, only to be consigned to the dark dusty realms of desk drawers, bags, or worse – the bin, the WA stories would see the light of day in the form of a (mostly) annual collection of novellas and verse, written for the “Dark Fiction” genre.

In 2006 W.A. Grüppe collated the stories, by the nascent writing group, Writers Anonymous, and compiled their first anthology “Sinister”, which was published in 2006.

The membership of Writers Anonymous has changed over the intervening years, and now consists of James Agombar, Paul Bunn, Nikki Delmas, Jamie Evans, Brian Harrison, Richard Koreto, Mark Mellon, Hannah Moore, Brian Terence, Anka Troitsky, Simon Woodward and our editor W.A. Grüppe, with Richard and Mark making the writing group international for the first time in its history; Mark and Richard being residents of the USA.

The WA canon now comprises; Sinister (2006), Bedside Manner (2008), Coffee Break 200 (2009), Sinister Too (2009), East Scythe (2010), Coffee Break 350 (2011), Halloween & Hot Chocolate (2012), Toxic Legacy (2012), Dead Letters (2013), Grave Matters (2014), The Librarian (2015), The Little Book of Shockers (2015), Shell-shocked (2018), Aftermath (2020), Morbid Appetites (2021), A Question of Loyalty (2022), the first international WA collection that includes stories by authors from North America, and Parallel Journeys (2023).